Trusted By:


“Andrew is an innovative persona with a special talent for delivering information in a way that managers and others from a broad range of backgrounds can understand and use. He possesses a natural gift for relating to people, and, as a result, our employees feel a greater personal connection to the company and know they work around people who care about the company and one another.”

Scott Johnson

Vice President, Global Services Sales @ Sun Microsystems (Oracle)

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“Andrew saw my strengths in ways that I did not, and after observing the team dynamics, he coached me not to change, but to use my authenticity and unique strengths to lead, influence, and inform with impact. Andrew's optimistic yet realistic nature and proclivity to help and build others make him and his program special.”

Jeri Bingham

Executive Project Lead, Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) Founder + Podcast Host, HushLoudly

“Andrew’s coaching allowed me to realize things I needed to let go of and things that I should focus on with renewed energy.”

Anonymous Participant

Restorative Leader Program

Don't Walk
through Life Alone

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We all experience seasons of struggle, change, and growth. But trying to navigate these challenges alone can leave us lost, hurting, and stuck.

Walking with someone who can help you access the strengths and answers you already possess can be the difference between finding peace or continuing to live a life you don't want.

It won’t be easy.

You’ll need courage to explore yourself, humility to consider feedback, vulnerability to acknowledge your limitations honestly, and persistence to change your thinking and behavior.

But wholeheartedly engaging in coaching will produce immense rewards — professionally and personally.

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“There is only one you, and there will only ever be one you. You have an opportunity to make a special contribution to this world. To do good, help others, and use your gifts to make a difference.”

Andrew Bennett

the coaching framework

We'll Use this Three-Part Structure to Guide the Work We Do Together.

Step One: Appear: Identify What You Deeply Desire to Create in the World.

Step One:


Identify what you deeply desire to create in the world.

I’ll help you clarify your purpose, vision for the future, and goals so you can focus on bringing them to life.

  • By clearly understanding your purpose, vision, and goals, you’ll know what to say ‘yes’ to.
  • You'll have more energy to do things that inspire you.
  • You'll learn to speak words that help you stay positive and focused.

Step Two:


Eliminate what gets in the way.

I'll help you identify thoughts and activities that stand in the way of achieving your goals and develop strategies for eliminating them.

  • You'll uncover the limiting thoughts (often unconscious fears) that may be holding you back
  • You'll learn how to manage these thoughts so you can discover greater possibilities.
  • You'll know what you need to stop doing, say ‘no’ to, and stop tolerating.
Step Two: Disappear: Eliminate What Gets in the Way
Step Three Restore

Step Three:


Build Strength from Adversity.

I'll help you identify what may need repairing and develop actions you can take to heal and revitalize these areas of your life. Here are some examples of things that might need restoration:

  • Relationships
  • Self-confidence
  • Personal power
  • Habits
  • Values

Individual Coaching

None of us can create a future of hope and fulfillment without support and guidance. Whether you are wrestling through challenges at work or are struggling to build the life you want, I can help you navigate your way to a place where you feel fulfilled, realize your potential, and help others realize theirs. Together, we’ll get crystal clear about what you want your life to look like. Then, we'll put together a plan using the Appear, Disappear, Restore Framework, and I'll walk with you as you uncover your path to hope, joy, and a fulfilling future.

Group Coaching

Are you part of a group struggling to connect, execute, or lead? These challenges are often caused by a team's inability to manage fear well. So if team members feel threatened or unsafe, they won't want to come to work. Through regularly scheduled video calls, I will help you uncover dysfunction and re-establish safety inside your organization. Together, we can make your group a model of a thriving, connected culture.

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The first step is often the hardest, but you can find the courage to take it. Get clarity and inspiration for your first step with my free guidebook.

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Lead Magnet